Monday, March 4, 2013

Post #5

So I finally finished this assignment.First, I wanted to say that I think this can apply to lots of things in a person's life, not just drugs. There are other things that may not be drugs that people need to break away from. That was just a random thought I had. I made it through the rest of this assignment. 
I still don't feel proud of myself but its whatever. I learned that although being sober isn't as funny as being high, its still not terrible. With that being said, i can put this assignment behind me. Whether I chose to be sober or high, its my decision to make.

Post #4

This is my 4th post. After this one, I am officially done with this assignment. I didn't update for a while but, I did write down things the past couple of days. The last time I posted was Wednesday. Thursday and Friday were also pretty easy going days. I did everything I normally do. After school Friday I made a choice.

After school Friday, my friend asks me if i would like to smoke with him and some other friends. I remembered the assignment this time and said no. I could have said yes but I didn't feel like it. I don't feel anything, whether good or bad,  to what I did. I still have a couple more days. Until my next post, see you guys later.

Post #3

This is my 3rd post. My virtue is sobriety. The last time I was on here, I said that I did fail the past couple of days. Today I am here to say that I completed day one. Being sober isn't a hard thing to do its just not as fun. School came and went today like it normally does.
I don't feel any different and I doubt I will. I wasn't on heroin or cocaine so I'm not going to get any withdrawal symptoms. Last time I did this was last year and I lasted a pretty long time. I didn't feel any withdrawal so I'm sure this time won't be any different. Well , that is just my update for the day. Hope you guys have a pretty cool day.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Post #2

This is my second post about my virtue. My virtue was sobriety. The past few days, I forgot about the assignment. The same day as my last post, I bought some weed. I got high that weekend. Now that I'm back in school, I remembered the assignment. I still have enough time for this assignment for me to turn this around. 
This time around, I will try to remind myself every morning of this assignment. It should be even easier considering the fact that this assignment is due this week. I might decide to challenge myself and keep going after this assignment for fun. I found a cool picture on sobriety that I wanted to share.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Virtue: Sobriety

My virtue is sobriety. I couldn't do any other virtue because when I tried, I couldn't think of anything to put down. This is also the only virtue that I think makes this assignment a little cool. In my opinion, the rest are just ehh.
Sobriety is the condition of not having any measurable levels, or effects from mood-altering drugs.I smoke weed. I have for some years now and i don't view it as a problem.This was the virtue I could connect with the most. I'm going to try not to do any drugs just to get this assignment out of the way. I don't think it will be that hard.